Website Disclaimer

Although this website is hosted by Tripod, the guestbook is not in any way connected or affiliated with the company. The guestbook is a public service provided by Phaistos Networks located in Crete, Greece. It is here for the purpose of making the site more interactive and to allow our visitors to say what they want, whether or not it is relevant to the matters of the club. Neither Phaistos Networks, nor the owner of this website is responsible for what is written in the guestbook. The fact that the guestbook is physically located halfway across the planet should remind visitors of the availability of the internet, and that this site can be reached from anywhere in the world. Also, visitors to the guestbook can write whatever they want and even sign their name as anything. So to get technical:

The views expressed in the guestbook are not necessarily that of the website's owner, Phaistos Networks, Tripod, Oneonta Men's Rugby (New York or Alabama), SUNY College at Oneonta (Oneonta, New York), or Alabama Bible University (Blountsville/Oneonta, Alabama).

As for the website itself, excluding the aforementioned guestbook:
The statements and opinions in the website's pages belong to, and are the work of the website's owner. They are not the work, views, opinions or expressions of Tripod, Oneonta Men's Rugby (New York or Alabama), SUNY College at Oneonta (Oneonta, New York), or Alabama Bible University (Blountsville/Oneonta, Alabama). If not mentioned, this also includes clubs (independent or collegiate) and organizations or colleges located in regions of Oneonta, New York or Oneonta, Alabama.